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Outdoor Dining Areas, Storefronts, and Garbage Enclosures

Over time, dumpster areas housing garbage dumpsters and cooking oil containers become grimy and slippery. Neglecting this area can cause your property to look unsightly and dirty and leads to potential infestations of rodents and parasites. A surefire way to keep the inspector happy the next time they come knocking at your door is to regularly steam clean the area.

  • Our unique method of steam cleaning is safe for the environment.

  • We use a powerful rotary surface cleaner with vacuum capabilities, ensuring that all wash water is kept confined and out of the storm drains leading to our community’s water sheds.

  • The wash water that we reclaim is then safely transported to a licensed processing facility.


Since every North Bay truck is fully outfitted with all equipment to handle multiple jobs, we can easily pair this service with your next hood cleaning. Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have and to help you add on this beneficial maintenance service to keep your facility at its cleanest.


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We are happy to answer any question you may have. Feel free to get in touch!

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